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Antimicrobial Activity of Nanoparticles: Applications in Wound Healing and Infection Treatment


This book offers an advanced reference text for biomedical engineers, materials scientists, clinicians and biochemists who have an interest in nanomedicine and infection control.


Nanomaterials Properties: Size and Shape Dependencies


This special issue is mainly useful to experienced researchers interested in size and shape effects. 


Size Effects in Metals, Semiconductors and Inorganic compounds


This book is useful to undergraduate, graduate students as well as experienced researchers in materials science, physics, chemistry and engineering.



  1. A. Rahman, G. Guisbiers, Synthesis of nickel-based nanoparticles by pulsed laser ablation in liquids: correlations between laser beam power, size distribution and cavitation bubble lifetime, Metals 14 (2024) 224.

  2. A. Benko, D. Medina-Cruz, S. Wilk, M. Ziąbka, B. Zagrajczuk, E. Menaszek, O. Barczyk-Woźnicka, G. Guisbiers; T. J. Webster, Anticancer and antibacterial properties of carbon nanotubes are governed by their functional groups, Nanoscale 15 (2023) 18265-18282.

  3. T. Hesabizadeh, K. Sung, M. Park, S. Foley, A. Paredes, S. Blissett, G. Guisbiers, Synthesis of antibacterial copper oxide nanoparticles by pulsed laser ablation in liquids: potential application against foodborne pathogens, Nanomaterials 13 (2023) 2206.

  4. S. Saedi, S. Blissett, H. Raji, T. Hesabizadeh, G. Guisbiers, Enhanced Elasticity in Magnesium Nanoparticle Reinforced Acrylic Elastomer, Polymer Engineering & Science 63 (2023) 3223-3230.

  5. S. Riahi, N. Ben Moussa, M. Lajnef, N. Jebari, A. Dabek, R. Chtourou, G. Guisbiers, S. Vimont, E. Herth, Bactericidal Activity of ZnO Nanoparticles Against Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria, Journal of Molecular Liquids 387 (2023) 122596.

  6. A. Rahman, B. Krause, T. B. Hoang, G. Guisbiers, Tailoring the Optical Properties of Selenium Nano-Needles by Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquids: Implications for Solar Cells and Photocells, ACS Applied Nano Materials 6 (2023) 2258-2265.

  7. T. Hesabizadeh, E. Hicks, D. Medina-Cruz, S. Bourdo, F. Watanabe, M. Bonney, J. Nichols, T. J. Webster, G. Guisbiers, Synthesis of Naked TeO2 Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications, ACS Omega 7 (2022) 23685-23694.

  8. T. Hesabizadeh, N. Jebari, A. Madouri, G. Hallais, T. E. Clark, S. Behura, E. Herth, G. Guisbiers, Electric Field - Induced Phase Transition in Copper Oxide Nano-Structures, ACS Omega 6 (2021) 33130-33140.

  9. S. Macchi, M. Zubair, R. Hill, N. Alwan, Y. Khan, N. Ali, G. Guisbiers, B. C Berry, N. Siraj, Improved photophysical properties of ionic material-based combination chemo/PDT nanomedicine, ACS Applied Bio Materials 4 (2021) 7708-7718.

  10. S. Macchi, M. Zubair, N. Ali, G. Guisbiers, N. Siraj, Tunable Cytotoxicity and Selectivity of Phosphonium Ionic Liquid with Aniline Blue Dye, Journal of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology 21 (2021) 6143-6150

  11. L. D. Geoffrion, D. Medina-Cruz, M. Kusper, S. Elsaidi, F. Watanabe, P. Parajuli, A. Ponce, T. Ba Hoang, T. Brintlinger, T. J. Webster, G. Guisbiers, Bi2O3 nano-flakes as a cost-effective antibacterial agent, Nanoscale Advances 3 (2021) 4106-4118

  12. L. D. Geoffrion, G. Guisbiers, Physico-chemical Properties of Selenium-Tellurium Alloys across the Scales, Nanoscale Advances 3 (2021) 4254-4270

  13. L. D. Geoffrion, M. José-Yacamán, A. Lehr, S. Yang, J. Sanchez, J.J. Velázquez-Salazar, G. Guisbiers, Substitutional-interstitial structural transition in Cu-Pt nano-alloys, Nanoscale Advances 3 (2021) 3746-3751

  14. P. Taylor, M. Kusper, L. D. Geoffrion, T. Hesabizadeh, F. Watanabe, E. Herth, G. Guisbiers, Synthesis of Naked Vanadium Pentoxide Nanoparticles, Nanoscale Advances 3 (2021) 1954-1961

  15. P. Chapagain, G. Guisbiers, M. Kusper, L. D. Geoffrion, M. Benamara, A. Golden, A. Bachri, L. Hewavitharana, Tuning the surface plasmon resonance of gold dumbbell nanorods, ACS Omega 6 (2021) 6871-6880

  16. D. Medina-Cruz, A. Vernet-Crua, E. Mostafavi, M. Ujué González, L. Martínez, A. Andrew Jones, M. Kusper, E. Sotelo, M. Gao, L. Geoffrion, V. Shah, G. Guisbiers, J. L. Cholula Díaz, C. Guillermier, F. Khanom, Y. Huttel, J. M. García-Martín, T. Webster, Aloe vera-mediated Te nanostructures: highly potent antibacterial agents and moderated anticancer effects, Nanomaterials 11 (2021) 514

  17. E. Mostafavi, D. Medina-Cruz, A. Vernet-Crua, J. Chen, J. L. Cholula-Díaz, G. Guisbiers, T. J. Webster, Green nanomedicine: The path to the next generation of nanomaterials for diagnosing brain tumors and therapeutics ?, Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery 18 (2021) 715-736

  18. A. Benko, D. Medina-Cruz, J. Duch, T. Popiela, S. Wilk, M. Bińczak, M. Nocuń, E. Menaszek, L. D. Geoffrion, G. Guisbiers, A. Kotarba, T. J. Webster, Conductive All-Carbon Nanotube Layers: Results On Attractive Physicochemical, Anti-Bacterial, Anticancer And Biocompatibility Properties, Materials Science and Engineering C 120 (2020) 111703

  19. L. D. Geoffrion, G. Guisbiers, Chemical Ordering in Bi1-xSbx Nanostructures: Alloy, Janus or Core-shell, Jourmal of Physical Chemistry C 124 (2020) 14061-14068

  20. A. Nakarmi, K. Chandrasekhar, S. Bourdo, F. Watanabe, G. Guisbiers, T. Viswanathan, Phosphate Removal from Waste Water Using Novel Renewable Resource-based, Cerium/Manganese Oxide-based Nanocomposites, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27 (2020) 36688-36703

  21. G. Guisbiers, R. Mendoza-Perez, Magnetic and thermal phase transitions in Co, Ni and Ni-Co nanoparticles, Nanotechnology 31 (2020) 295702

  22. D. Medina-Cruz, E. Mostafavi, A. Vernet-Crua, H. Barabadi, V. Shah, J. L. Cholula-Díaz, G. Guisbiers, T. Webster, Green nanotechnology-based zinc oxide (ZnO) nanomaterials for biomedical applications: a review, Journal of Physics: Materials 3 (2020) 034005

  23. E. Herth, D. Fall, J.-Y. Rauch, V. Moutarlier, G. Guisbiers, Thermal annealing of AlN films for piezoelectric applications, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 31 (2020) 4473-4478 

  24. D. Medina-Cruz, E. Mostafavi, J. Cheng, A. Vernet-Crua, J. l. Cholula-Diaz, G. Guisbiers, T. J. Webster, Green nanotechnology-based drug delivery systems for osteogenic disorders, Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery 17 (2020) 341-356

  25. L. Geoffrion, T. Hesabizadeh, D. Medina-Cruz, M. Kusper, P. Taylor, A. Vernet-Crua, J. Chen, A. Ajo, T. J. Webster, G. Guisbiers, Naked selenium nanoparticles for antibacterial and anticancer treatment, ACS Omega 5 (2020) 2660-2669

  26. L. D. Geoffrion, G. Guisbiers, Quantum confinement: size on the grill!, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 140 (2020) 109320

  27. G. Guisbiers, Advances in thermodynamic modelling of nanoparticles, Advances in Physics X, 4 (2019) 1668299 Invited paper !

  28. J. A. Garcia-Monge, C. D. Vasquez-Colon, G. Guisbiers, A. A. Ayon, Synergistic photoluminescent interaction of Si and CdTe quantum dots, Microsystem Technologies (2019)

  29. J. Jesús Velázquez-Salazar, L. Bazán-Díaz, Q. Zhang, R. Mendoza-Cruz, L. Montaño-Priede, G. Guisbiers, N. Large, S. Link, M. José-Yacamán, Controlled overgrowth of five-fold concave nanoparticles into plasmonic nanostars and their single-particle scattering properties, ACS Nano 13 (2019) 10113-10128.

  30. J. P. Palomares-Baez, J. M. Montejano-Carrizales, G. Guisbiers, M. Jose-Yacaman, J. L. Rodriguez-Lopez, The Decmon: A New Nanoparticle Shape along the Truncation Path from the Icosahedron to the Decahedron, Nanotechnology 30 (2019) 425701.

  31. R. Mendoza-Perez, G. Guisbiers, Bimetallic Pt-Pd Nano-Catalyst: Size, Shape and Composition Matter, Nanotechnology 30 (2019) 305702. 

  32. E. Vigil-Santos, F. Forcade Zamora, B. Gonzalez Ramirez, R. Snyders, X. Noirfalise, G. Guisbiers, K. Padron Aleman, E. J. Juarez-Perez, P. Saint-Gregoirre, L. Vaillant, M. Guada Azze, A. A. Benedit Cardenas, A. Santana Gil, C. Laza Lopez, R. Toledo Leon, S. Santana Hernandez, Nanoestructuras semiconductoras en base a óxido cúprico y dióxido de titanio: síntesis, caracterización y funcionamiento como fotoelectrodos, Anales de la Academia Ciencias de Cuba 9 (2019)

  33. M. Kusper, G. Guisbiers, Synthesis of aluminum oxide nanoparticles by laser ablation in liquids, MRS Advances 3 (2018) 3899-3903.

  34. E. Alkuam, E. Badradeen, G. Guisbiers, Influence of CdS Morphology on the Efficiency of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, ACS Omega 3 (2018) 13433-13441.

  35. L. Bazan-Diaz, R. Mendoza-Cruz, J. Velasquez-Salazar, G. Plascencia-Villa, F. M. Ascencio-Aguirre, R. Herrera-Becerra, H. Ojeda-Galvan, G. Guisbiers, M. J. Yacaman, Synthesis and properties of self-assembly of gold-copper nanoparticles into nanoribbons, Langmuir 34 (2018) 9394-9401. 

  36. H. H. Lara, G. Guisbiers, J. Mendoza, L. C. Mimun, B. A. Vincent, J. Lopez-Ribot, K. L. Nash, Synergistic Antifungal Activity of Chitosan-Stabilized Selenium Nanoparticles, International Journal of Nanomedicine 13 (2018) 2697-2708

  37. G. Guisbiers, R. Mendoza-Perez, Comment on "Phase stability and segregation behavior of nickel based nano-alloys based on theory and simulation", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 723 (2017) 1079-1081.

  38. B. Bonham, G. Guisbiers, Thermal stability and optical properties of Si-Ge nanoparticles, Nanotechnology 28 (2017) 245702

  39. R. Mendoza-Cruz, L. Bazan-Diaz, J. J. Velazquez-Salazar, J. E. Samaniego-Benitez, F. M. Ascencio-Aguirre, R. Herrera-Becerra, M. Jose-Yacaman, G. Guisbiers, Order-disorder phase transition in Au-Cu nanocubes, Nanoscale 9 (2017) 9267-9274.

  40. G. Guisbiers, R. Mendoza-Perez, L. Bazan-Diaz, R. Mendoza-Cruz, J. J. Velazquez-Salazar, M. Jose-Yacaman, Size and shape effects on the phase diagrams of nickel-based bimetallic nanoalloys, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (2017) 6930-6939. 

  41. G. Guisbiers, L. C. Mimun, R. Mendoza-Cruz, K. L. Nash, Synthesis of tunable tellurium nanoparticles, Semiconductor Science & Technology 32 (2017) 04LT01.

  42. G. Guisbiers, H. H. Lara, R. Mendoza-Cruz, G. Naranjo, B. A. Vincent, X. G. Peralta, K. L. Nash, Inhibition of Candida albicans biofilm by pure selenium nanoparticles, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine 13 (2017) 1095-1103,

  43. G. Guisbiers, R. Mendoza-Cruz, L. Bazan-Diaz, J. J. Velazquez-Salazar, R. Mendoza-Perez, J. A. Robledo-Torres, J. L. Rodriguez-Lopez, J. M. Montejano, R. L. Whetten, M. José-Yacaman, Response to Comment on "Electrum, the gold-silver alloy : from the bulk scale to the nanoscale: synthesis, properties and segregation rules" , ACS Nano  10 (2016) 10620-10622.

  44. G. Guisbiers, Q. Wang, E. Khachatryan, L. C. Mimun, B. Vincent, R. Mendoza-Cruz, P. Larese-Casanova, T. J. Webster, K. L. Nash, Inhibition of E. coli and S. aureus with selenium nanoparticles synthesized by pulsed laser ablation in liquids, International Journal of Nanomedicine 11 (2016) 3731-3736.

  45. G. Guisbiers, R. Mendoza-Cruz, L. Bazan-Diaz, J. J. Velazquez-Salazar, R. Mendoza-Perez, J. A. Robledo-Torres, J. L. Rodriguez-Lopez, J. M. Montejano, R. L. Whetten, M. José-Yacaman, Electrum, the gold-silver alloy : from the bulk scale to the nanoscale: synthesis, properties and segregation rules, ACS Nano 10 (2016) 188-198. 

  46. R. Mendoza-Cruz, L. Bazan-Diaz, J. J. Velazquez-Salazar, D. Romeu, D. Bahena, R. Herrera-Becerra, G. Guisbiers, M. José-Yacaman, Helical growth of ultrathin gold-copper nanowires with a self-assembled coil shape, Nanoletters 16 (2016) 1568-1573.

  47. F. Forcade, B. Gonzalez, R. Snyders, G. Guisbiers, S. Santana, E. Vigil, CuO/TiO2 Composite Obtained Using a New and Simple Technique, Revista Cubana de Fisica 32 (2015) 90-95

  48. L. Bazan-Diaz, R. Mendoza-Cruz, J. J. Velazquez-Salazar, G. Plascencia-Villa, L. D. Romeu, J. Reyes-Gasga, R. Herrera, M. José-Yacaman, G. Guisbiers, Gold-copper nanostars as photo-thermal agents: synthesis and advanced electron microscopy characterization, Nanoscale 7 (2015) 20734-20742 .

  49. O. Van Overschelde, G. Guisbiers, Photo-fragmentation of selenium powder by excimer laser ablation in liquids, Optics and laser technology 73 (2015) 156-161.

  50. F. Forcade, R. Snyders, G. Guisbiers, B. Gonzales, X. Noirfalise, E. Vigil, Impact of the precursor on the crystalline constitution of nano-CuO/TiO2 films, Materials Research Bulletin 70 (2015) 248-253.

  51. G. Guisbiers, Q. Wang, E. Khachatryan, M.-J. Arellano-Jimenez, T. J. Webster, P. Larese-Casanova K. L. Nash, Anti-bacterial selenium nanoparticles produced by UV/VIS/NIR pulsed nanosecond laser ablation in liquids, Laser Physics Letters 12 (2015) 016003.

  52. G. Guisbiers, S. Khanal, F. Ruiz-Zepeda, J. Roque de la Puente, M. José-Yacaman, Cu-Ni alloy: mixed, core-shell or Janus nanoparticle?, Nanoscale 6 (2014) 14630-14635.

  53. G. Guisbiers, S. Mejia-Rosales, S. Khanal, F. Ruiz-Zepeda, R. L. Whetten, M. José-Yacaman, Gold-Copper nanoalloy, “Tumbaga” in the era of nano: phase diagram and segregation, Nano Letters 14 (2014) 6718-6726.

  54. G Guisbiers, S Arscott, M Gaudet, A Belfiore, R Snyders, Selenium surface energy determination from size-dependent considerations, 2013 IEEE 5th International Nanoelectronics Conference (2013) 105-109

  55. O. Van Overschelde, G. Guisbiers, R. Snyders, Green synthesis of selenium nanoparticles by excimer laser ablation in water, APL Materials 1 (2013) 042114.

  56. G. Guisbiers, M.-S. Colla, M. Coulombier, J.-P. Raskin, T. Pardoen, Study of creep/relaxation mechanisms in thin freestanding nanocrystalline palladium films through the lab-on-chip technology, Journal of Applied Physics 113 (2013) 024513.

  57. G. Guisbiers, G. Abudukelimu, Influence of Nanomorphology on the Melting Temperature of Convex Polyhedral Nanoparticles, Journal of Nanoparticle Research 15 (2013) 1431.

  58. G. Guisbiers, S. Arscott, R. Snyders, An accurate determination of the surface energy of solid selenium, Applied Physics Letters 101 (2012) 231606.

  59. M. Coulombier, G. Guisbiers, M.-S. Colla, R. Vayrette, J.-P. Raskin, T. Pardoen, On-chip stress relaxation testing method for free-standing thin film materials, Review of Scientific Instruments 83 (2012) 105004.

  60. S. Palmas, A. Da Pozzo, F. Delogu, M. Mascia, A. Vacca, G. Guisbiers, Characterization of TiO2 nanotubes obtained by electrochemical anodization in organic electrolytes, Journal of Power Sources 204 (2012) 265-272.

  61. G. Guisbiers, Review on the analytical models describing melting at the nanoscale, Journal of Nanoscience Letters 2 (2012) 8, Invited paper!

  62. G. Guisbiers, Size and shape dependencies of nanomaterial properties: Thermodynamic considerations, MRS Online Proceedings Library 1371 (2012) imrc11-1371-s1-03

  63. G. Guisbiers, G. Abudukelimu, D. Hourlier, Size-dependent catalytic and melting properties of platinum-palladium nanoparticles, Nanoscale Research Letters 6 (2011) 396. 

  64. G. Guisbiers, Schottky defects in nanoparticles, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 (2011) 2616-2621.

  65. G. Guisbiers, E. Herth, L. Buchaillot, Mechanical characterization of aluminium nanofilms, Microelectronic Engineering 88 (2011) 844-847.

  66. X. Noirfalise, T. Godfroid, G. Guisbiers, R. Snyders, Synthesis of fluorine doped zinc oxide by reactive magnetron sputtering, Acta Materialia 59 (2011) 7521-7529.

  67. G. Guisbiers, E. Herth, L. Buchaillot, T. Pardoen, Fracture toughness, hardness and young’s modulus of tantalum nanocrystalline films, Applied Physics Letters 97 (2010) 143115.

  68. G. Guisbiers, Size-dependent materials properties towards a universal equation, Nanoscale Research Letters 5 (2010) 1132-1136.

  69. G. Guisbiers, D. Liu, Q. Jiang, L. Buchaillot, Theoretical predictions of wurtzite III-nitrides nano-materials properties, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12 (2010) 7203-7210.

  70. G. Guisbiers, E. Herth, B. Legrand, N. Rolland, T. Lasri, L. Buchaillot, Ashby’s materials selection for radio frequency applications, Microelectronic Engineering 87 (2010) 1792-1795.

  71. M. Kazan, G. Guisbiers, S. Pereira, M. Correia, P. Masri, A. Bruyant, S. Volz, P. Royer, Thermal conductivity of silicon bulk and nanowires: Effects of isotopic composition, phonon confinement, and surface roughness, Journal of Applied Physics 107 (2010) 083503.

  72. G. Guisbiers, L. Buchaillot, Universal size/shape-dependent law for characteristic temperatures, Physics Letters A 374 (2009) 305-308.

  73. G. Guisbiers, M. Wautelet, L. Buchaillot, Phase diagrams and optical properties of phosphide, arsenide, antimonide binary and ternary III-V nanoalloys, Physical Review B 79 (2009) 155426.

  74. G. Guisbiers, L. Buchaillot, Modeling the melting enthalpy of nanomaterials, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (2009) 3566-3568.

  75. G. Guisbiers, M. Wautelet, L. Buchaillot, Comparison of intrinsic residual stress models in metallic thin films, Scripta Materialia 60 (2009) 419-422.

  76. O. Van Overschelde, G. Guisbiers, M. Wautelet, Nanocrystallisation of anatase TiO2 by laser treatment, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (2009) 15343-15345.

  77. C. M. Fernandes, G. Guisbiers, S. Pereira, N. P. Barradas, E. Alves, A. M. R. Senos, M. T. Vieira, Annealing Ni nanocrystalline on WC-Co, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 482 (2009) 131-136.

  78. G. Guisbiers, G. Abudukelimu, M. Wautelet, L. Buchaillot, Size, shape, composition and segregation tuning of InGaAs thermo-optical properties, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112 (2008) 17889-17892.

  79. G. Guisbiers, L. Buchaillot, Size and shape effects on creep and diffusion at the nanoscale, Nanotechnology 19 (2008) 435701.

  80. G. Guisbiers, L. Buchaillot, Thermo-opto-mechanical properties of AlN nanostructures: a promising material for NEMS applications, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 41 (2008) 172001.

  81. G. Guisbiers, O. Van Overschelde, M. Wautelet, Theoretical investigation of size and shape effects on the melting temperature and energy bandgap of TiO2 nanostructures, Applied Physics Letters 92 (2008) 103121.

  82. G. Guisbiers, M. Kazan, O. Van Overschelde, M. Wautelet, S. Pereira, Mechanical and thermal properties of metallic and semiconductive nanostructures, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112 (2008) 4097-4103.

  83. O. Van Overschelde, G. Guisbiers, R. Snyders, F. Hamadi, A. Hemberg, M. Wautelet, Alternative to classic annealing treatments for fractally patterned TiO2 thin films, Journal of Applied Physics 104 (2008) 103106.

  84. G. Guisbiers, S. Pereira, Theoretical investigation of the size and shape effects on the melting temperature of ZnO nanostructures, Nanotechnology 18 (2007) 435710.

  85. G. Guisbiers, O. Van Overschelde, M. Wautelet, Nanoparticulate origin of intrinsic residual stress in thin films, Acta Materialia 55 (2007) 3541-3546.

  86. G. Guisbiers, O. Van Overschelde, M. Wautelet, Materials selection for thin films for radio frequency microelectromechanical systems, Materials&Design 28 (2007) 1994-1997.

  87. G. Guisbiers, G. Abudukelimu, F. Clement, M. Wautelet, Effects of shape on the phase stability of nanoparticles, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 4 (2007) 309-315.

  88. G. Guisbiers, O. Van Overschelde, M. Wautelet, Ph. Leclère, R. Lazzaroni, Fractal dimension, growth mode and residual stress of metal thin films, Journal of Physics D, Applied Physics 40 (2007) 1077-1079.

  89. G. Guisbiers, M. Wautelet, Materials selection for micro-electromechanical systems, Materials&Design 28 (2007) 246-248.

  90. O. Van Overschelde, G. Guisbiers, M. Wautelet, Microstructuring of TiO2 thin films by laser-assisted diffraction processing, Applied Surface Science 253 (2007) 7890-7894.

  91. G. Guisbiers, M. Wautelet, Size, shape and stress effects on the melting temperature of nano-polyhedral grains on a substrate, Nanotechnology 17 (2006) 2008-2011.

  92. G. Abudukelimu, G. Guisbiers, M. Wautelet, Theoretical phase diagrams of nanowires, Journal of Materials Research 21 (2006) 2829-2834.

  93. O. Van Overschelde, S. Dinu, G. Guisbiers, F. Monteverde, C. Nouvellon, M. Wautelet, Excimer laser ablation of thin titanium oxide films on glass, Applied Surface Science 252 (2006) 4722-4727.

  94. G. Guisbiers, S. Strehle, O. Van Overschelde, M. Wautelet, Residual Stresses in Ta, Mo, Al and Pd Thin Films Deposited by E‐Beam Evaporation Process on Si and Si/SiO2 Substrates, AIP Conference Proceedings 817 (2006) 317-324

  95. G. Guisbiers, S. Strehle, M. Wautelet, Modeling of residual stresses in thin films deposited by electron beam evaporation, Microelectronic Engineering 82 (2005) 665-669.


Physics and Astronomy Department

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